Dubai authorities created a geoinformation map of the emirate

The Department of Geographic Information Systems of the Dubai Municipality announced the completion of the Dubai Map and 360 ° Panorama projects. Abdul Hakim Malik, director of the department, said that these projects provide complete information about the geography of the emirate and the possibility of its use for various fields of activity.

“The map contains digital aerial photographs of Dubai and the Hutta with a total area of ​​51.9 thousand km2 of high resolution and high accuracy. For the first time, photographs of urban areas with an area of ​​1319 km2 have become available,” Malik said. The 360 ​​° Panorama project consists of photographs that were taken on cameras with special lenses mounted on car roofs or on a tripod, as is the case with the Panorama of Historic Buildings project, commissioned by the Department of Architecture and Historical Heritage. It will be published on the municipality website It will also mark secondary streets and park areas, and not just the main roads.

Collected together, these photos can fully represent the circular panorama of 180 points of Dubai. This experiment is a pilot not only for the UAE, but for the entire region. It was created by the department itself, without the involvement of outside experts, and cost 178 thousand dirhams (US $ 48.6 thousand).

Watch the video: Esri UC 2017: Smart Dubai (May 2024).