UAE Charitable Organization Helps Expat Family

A charitable organization from the United Arab Emirates helped a family of foreigners with five children in a difficult situation.

A charitable organization from the UAE, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Charitable Educational Foundation, paid school fees to five children whose father left the family three years ago.

Next year, the brothers and sisters will be transferred to a charity school run by the foundation, where they can continue their education for free.

Sumaya Khareb Al Suvaydi, the chairman of the foundation, said that the grandfather of the children turned to the organization and reported on the plight of the family.

"In his appeal, grandfather explained that he could not pay the remaining fees for teaching children at school. He said that his father flew to another country after leaving his wife and children," Sumaya explained.

The Foundation has created a special committee to study this matter. It was found that the family had a debt of 15.7 thousand dirhams ($ US 4.3 thousand). The mother could not transfer her children to another school because their visa had expired. In court, a woman obtained a divorce and the right to custody of her children, after which it became possible to renew their visas with the sponsorship of a grandfather, who, being unemployed, also takes care of two girls with disabilities.

Sumaya promised that the fund will provide the family with a food package on Ramadan and will sponsor their training in collaboration with businessmen and philanthropists.

Watch the video: Charity to build a mosque for UAE citizens (May 2024).