Two tankers collide on the east coast of the UAE

Two large tankers collided off the east coast of the United Arab Emirates.

On Sunday, March 24, 2019, at approximately 12:00 UTC, two large tankers collided off the coast of the Emirate of Fujairah.

Aseem liquefied natural gas carrier collided with the Shinyo Ocean oil tanker anchored in Fujairah. As a result of the collision, the bow of the Maltese tanker Aseem was seriously damaged, and the Shinyo Ocean got a hole in the port side.

According to sources close to the UAE maritime authorities, the Aseem tanker was heading to Fujairah from India for refueling, while the Shinyo Ocean was anchored in Fujairah on March 16, 2019.

According to information on the Maritime Bulletin website, Aseem is still in the bay, and nothing is known about the location of Shinyo Ocean.

There is no information about the victims and injured among the crew members, and nothing was reported about the possible oil spill.

Watch the video: UAE oil tanker attacks - what we know (July 2024).