In the UAE will be fined for the unauthorized launch of rockets into space

UAE residents face a fine of US $ 2.7 million, or 10 million dirhams, for attempting to launch a space object.

Dubai, UAE. Residents of the United Arab Emirates face a fine of US $ 2.7 million, or 10 million dirhams, and 2 years in prison if they try to launch an object into Earth’s orbit without obtaining permission from local authorities.

Such a norm is contained in the draft law developed by the UAE Space Agency. According to the document, which is currently being discussed at the Federal National Council of the country, no one has the right to launch objects at a height of 100 km above sea level without permission from the UAE Space Agency. The launch of any satellites and missiles will also be recognized as illegal.

The document also prohibits the sale, purchase and mining of meteorites in the country. According to the agency, they had to adopt new standards in connection with the early start of the construction of the spaceport, which will be carried out by Virgin Galactic.

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