In Dubai, a policeman robbed a woman who refused to marry him

In Dubai, the court reviewed the sentence for a policeman who robbed the house of a woman who refused to marry him.

In Dubai, the term of imprisonment for a policeman and his friend who robbed the house of a woman who refused to marry a policeman was more than halved.

In September 2016, the policeman, along with his friend and colleague, stole 10 smartphones, an iPad, two cameras, 16 hours, a TV and jewelry, breaking into the house where the defendant's failed bride lived.

Three Emirates between the ages of 22 and 26 have denied burglary and property damage in both the Dubai Criminal Court and the Court of Appeal.

The Dubai Criminal Court convicted the police officer and his friend, while another officer was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

The 33-year-old emirate who married another man said that she and her family left their home on September 7, 2016 and returned a week later. Upon arrival, they found signs of hacking and the loss of personal property.

Employees tracked one of the stolen phones from one of the accused. He told the police that he had found a telephone in the desert, but later changed his testimony and said that he had bought it from one of the police officers.

Further investigation revealed that the phone was stolen. During the interrogation of the defendant, it turned out that he had robbed the house because the woman’s family rejected his marriage proposal.

With the original court decision, the men were jailed for a year. Their sentences were reduced to three months.

Watch the video: Woman Discovers She Has Spent $ Million in Possible Love Scam -- Dr. Phil (July 2024).