Cop-stop ... or how to get along with a local cop

- Good afternoon, Sergeant Petrov, your documents, please ... You violated, citizen ... Open the trunk ... Show the first-aid kit ...
“Commander, we can agree, huh? ...

One way or another, the average communication between our compatriots and representatives of law enforcement agencies, namely, employees of the road inspectorate, now referred to differently in different CIS countries, is different, and during the blissful times of the “Unbreakable Union” it was just a traffic police. Of course, there are variations on the theme "Get out of the car for everyone ... Hands on the hood ... Legs wider than shoulders ...", but this is a completely different story.

In a word, trained by the native "traffic cops" and hardened by the "ours" system, they clearly know how to behave properly and what should not be done in order to: a) not lose their driver's license; b) not "fly" into a large amount, especially when it is not; c) prevent the car from being driven to the “fine parking lot”. It was such "trained" guys who flew from Ukraine to rest in Dubai just when planes circled in the skies over the city from different countries participating in the 9th International Aerospace Salon. Firmly knowing that "the first thing is airplanes," the Ukrainian lads, having discarded all important matters (swimming in the sea, sunbathing, even shopping), went to watch the show, taking me with them as a guide-translator ...

Everyone who has ever been to the Dubai Air Show knows how difficult it is to get to the parking lot near the exhibition halls. On the only flyover leading to the Airport Expo, a multi-kilometer line of cars is being built. Everyone is nervous, honking each other ... Seeing this disgrace, the guys from Ukraine quickly appreciated the situation and found a simple solution. Opposite the exhibition halls, right on the main road, without reaching any 30 meters to the bus stop, a curb was found, separated from the roadway by a solid yellow line, on which the rented white Toyota Camry was parked. In fairness, it should be noted that there were about a dozen cars on the sidelines, and their owners sat right on the lawn and looked up at the demonstration flights of the Patroui de France aerobatic team. And there was something to look at: blue-white-red stripes were replaced in the sky by a neatly "drawn" heart pierced by an arrow ...

A group of Ukrainian tourists, having forgotten everything in the world, rushed into the "magical world" of fighters, helicopters, cargo and passenger aircraft, engines and space technology. Three hours later, paying tribute to the air show, our cheerful company, full of impressions and souvenirs, took the same road ... And, oh gods! Our white Toyota Camry on the road, that is, on its sidelines, was not. It disappeared, evaporated, disappeared ... The five-minute confusion of the group, caused by the shock of such impudent behavior of the car, was replaced by despondency ... "Probably, they drove to a fine parking lot," someone suggested. “Or maybe they hijacked? How and where to look for her now?” ... “We must call the police!”, I said, and as the only one who speaks English, I dialed “999.” And here the fun began - negotiations with local traffic police ...

I won’t bore you with the details, I’ll only say that the story is about the following plan: “We are tourists from Ukraine ... People are not local ... We don’t know anyone ... We don’t know anything ... We don’t remember ourselves ... We parked the car ... But we don’t have it ... We have the keys ... They rented a car ... What should I do now ... We arrived on airplanes to see ... "I told fifteen times on various phones that I was given every time by another compassionate law enforcement official, beginning with the security of the air show and ending with the police service of the international airport Dubai's mouth. On one of the phones, after listening to our sad saga, a clever policeman (I say this sincerely, without a trace of irony), took my mobile number and began calling me back myself, saying that a patrol car would come to us and everything would be settled ...

At this moment, on the same memorable roadside, an accident occurs in which a young woman is injured. Five patrol cars and an ambulance arrive there. We are with the "Ukrainian group", on the opposite side of the road, we are observing all this ... The patrol car is not coming to us ... The "clever policeman" continues to keep us in touch and, after listening to my new story that we are standing right in front of the place, where the accident happened, offers to send us an ambulance, believing that it was us who also managed to get into an accident ... The beginning was rapidly getting dark. The battery in the phone was sitting down ...

And suddenly a patrol car arrived. The police, having listened to our “history with geography” for the eighty-eighth time, told us terrific news. It turns out that our car is practically in the same place where we left it, only in a normal parking lot near the mosque, which is 500 meters further than the notorious "roadside". We rushed there ... The car was not there ...

And then the bell rang ... It was our friend - "clever police officer." He apologized for the inconvenience caused to us (nothing that we ourselves first threw the car anywhere, and then “lifted our ears” almost the entire city police) and said that now his colleague would drive up to us on a motorcycle. Our lads began to calculate how much money need to pay a fine for violation of traffic rules ...

A colleague was young and very polite. From his explanations in broken English (the local police mainly serve the local police, therefore their spoken English is somewhat similar to ours, which contributes to mutual understanding), we realized that as a responsible patrol officer in this area, he drove the car to a safe place, as she stood unattended for a long time. "And here, you know, there’s an air show. There are a lot of dignitaries, foreigners again. We don’t know who left the car. People are both good and bad. You’re good. Did you come to Dubai specifically to see the planes? Is it beautiful, is it? And when does the air show close? Tomorrow is the last day? I’ll also go when I change ... You must have been very upset when you didn’t find the car on the spot? You thought you stole it, right? You’re in the Emirates ... did you like it with us? Excuse me, please, for the inconvenience but also the concern that you have done ... You're guests in my country "...

He brought us to the Toyota Camry in white, which was parked near the mosque, in the courtyards, near private houses. He asked me to make sure that everything was in order with the machine. The shortest way escorted us to the Al-Gharhud bridge, turning on the "flashing light" on his motorcycle. And waved goodbye ...

With a police escort leaving the Dubai air show, we suddenly felt welcome guests in this country. And at some point, the true laws of oriental hospitality overshadowed the most vivid impressions of the demonstration flights of the best pilots in the world ... Add to this the almost friendly relations that we managed to establish with all the Dubai police on duty that night, and the fine for parking in the wrong a place that no one was going to charge us ... And it will become clear why the UAE attracts more and more people from all over the world from year to year.

Here you feel just like a man. And this, admittedly, is worth a lot.

Watch the video: Driver fights cop at traffic stop (May 2024).