Spring is coming, spring is the way!

If you celebrated on February 23 in Dubai, then you probably froze, froze and got soaked to the skin, falling under heavy rain. However, everything is not as scary as it might seem. First, rainfall is still better than 40 degrees below zero. Secondly, we live in an era of globalization, when the climate is changing across the globe at the same time. Thirdly, this rain in the Emirates was the first in six months, and after it spring came to the desert.
This means that the sea becomes warm, and sand and air become hot, and that in places like Dubai, you can soon wear something short and frivolous.

And also arrange kebabs and beach parties, drive a jeep along the dried-up beds of mountain rivers and inspect the ruins, go diving and night hunting for crabs ... In a word, do everything that’s why our editorial staff (and not only them) originally coming here for a year or two, fell in love with this country and remained in it forever.

We are all different and different - natives of Yekaterinburg and Karaganda, Krasnodar and Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh, Rostov and Tashkent. Some join the Arab traditions (as you already understood by looking at the cover), others adhere to European values, and still others try to stay in their own little world. Be that as it may, we are all united by one big and strong love for you, dear readers! Solely for your sake we embark on adventures, engage in extreme sports, plunge into the bottom of the sea, do not sleep at night and taste (whatever color, smell, touch) everything that comes to hand in order to convey to you the most vivid impressions of this wonderful countries called the United Arab Emirates.

By the way, if you think that your work will help us to more fully (deeper, more interesting, more detailed, etc.) tell us about the Emirates, send us your photos, poems, drawings, essays, travel sketches, useful tips or occasions. Our doors are open to everyone who has fruitful ideas and who doesn’t have a “creative itch” to sleep peacefully: designers, photographers, journalists, translators and poets. Join us! Spring is the time for new beginnings!

Editor-in-chief - Irina Ivanova

Watch the video: Spring Songs for Children - Spring is Here with Lyrics - Kids Songs by The Learning Station (May 2024).