From the Consulate General of the Russian Federation

For traveling abroad

The Consulate of the Russian Federation in the UAE recommends that anyone who travels outside the homeland carefully read the information below

Travel Tips

Having received a new passport, carefully check with reality all the information about you and your children over 6 years old. While abroad, keep your passport with you or in the hotel safe, do not give it to anyone as a deposit.

Make sure you have visas for the countries where you are traveling, including transit visas of the states through which you are traveling. Only in some countries (for example, in Turkey) visas are issued directly at the airport.

Tickets must be issued in the same name as indicated on the passport.

Do not forget to bring the originals of travel vouchers and invitations with you on your trip. Make a photocopy of tickets, passport, driver’s license, credit cards. Keep copies separate from the originals.

Pay special attention to health insurance. Choose trusted agencies, clearly identifying upon receipt of the policy what services you are required to provide and how they are paid.

We advise you to study in advance information about the host country: the political situation, climatic conditions, laws and customs, a system of monetary units, rules of conduct in public places. All this information can be found on the Internet.

If you are going to the countries of South (Southeast) Asia or Africa, you will need strict adherence to discipline, standards of adequate behavior and hygiene rules.

Heading to a Muslim country, take a “strict” wardrobe with you. Say, in Iran, women should appear in all public places in a headscarf. Once in such a country during Ramadan (fasting month), refrain from eating and smoking during daylight hours in all public places, including the airport.

For security reasons, keep money in different pockets. Try to never raise your voice. Avoid offensive actions against sheikhs, sultans, kings and other leaders of the host country, as well as their monuments and images. Do not talk to women in clothes that completely cover their bodies. Try not to appear drunk in public or on the street. Do not drink alcohol in places not designated for this purpose.

In a number of Asian, African and Latin American countries, you need to seriously take care of your health. Malaria vaccine is best done in advance. It is strongly recommended that you wash fruits and vegetables with antiseptic soap, drink water, milk and juice from factory-closed bottles.

In a number of European countries, as well as in the USA, laws have been passed prohibiting smoking in public places, restaurants and bars. In some countries, such as Singapore, a high fine (€ 250) is charged for the discharge of any garbage in the wrong places.

If you are using narcotic drugs, do not take them before the trip and do not take them with you. Ask in advance how to get the drugs you need in the country you are heading to.

Tell relatives and friends about your trip, about the place of stay, leave contact phone numbers. Have on hand the phones of the embassy (consulate) of the Russian Federation in the country of your upcoming stay.

At the airport, store coupons for checked baggage, which will be required in case of loss. It is better to carry your ticket, passport, money and other valuables with you. Do not carry any items that are similar in shape to weapons in your hand luggage.

At the hotel, learn the rules of fire safety, the location of entrances and exits, elevators, stairs. It is not recommended to leave documents, money and valuables in the hotel room; it is more reliable to store them in a safe. It is advisable to carry a visiting card of the hotel and a photocopy of your passport.

Cautions to those traveling abroad to work, study or to marry

Criminal groups usually lure people through newspaper job postings. They often hide under the signs of fashion agencies, travel agencies, employment centers, dance clubs, international dating services, etc. Therefore, referring to the "employment company" or "marriage agency", make sure that the organization is licensed for this type of activity. This document should be in a prominent place in the office of the company. Do not trust photocopies, stories about a recent move or loss of a license: this indicates the unreliability of the organization.

When concluding a contract, pay attention to those points where it says that the organization accepts money from you for storage until the end of the contract, deducts from it the cash owed to you and withholds a certain percentage of the money you earned (or the funds that it holds).

Before signing the contract, make sure that all points of it are clear to you. If in doubt, consult an independent lawyer.

The contract must indicate: the name of the company in which you will work, its address and telephone number, the name of the employer. Be sure to specify the working conditions, your duties and rights, as well as remuneration, including overtime.

When leaving for work, keep in mind that a tourist visa does not give you that right. Do not believe the promise to change the status of a visa abroad. Working illegally, you will not be able to get a decent salary (or medical care) and will be completely dependent on your employer.

Under no circumstances should the passport be deposited with a new boss or prospective spouse. Keep copies of your documents in a safe place. Sign up for consular registration at the embassy or consulate of the Russian Federation. Remember that in some countries (such as India) you also need to register at the registration office for foreigners.

Take money back with you (or get a round-trip ticket). The validity of the work visa must be consistent with the terms of the contract.

Notify your family and friends about the departure date and leave them your foreign address. Tell them the coordinates of the company that made your trip abroad. Upon arrival at the place, contact your family and try to keep in touch with her family by phone or via the Internet.

Consulate General of the Russian Federation
in the United Arab Emirates

Consul General: Yudin Mikhail Mikhailovich
Phone: +971 (4) 223-12-72
Fax: +971 (4) 223-15-85
P.O. Box: 39229 Dubai Address:Dubai, UAE, Al Maidan Tower, Al Maktoum Road, Office 307 Business hours:from 10:00 to 12:00 Weekends:Friday Saturday

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