How to read well ...

And all because thanks to this ability you can read in this pre-post-our issue of many other SKILLS, as well as the desires to acquire these skills.

Working on this issue of the magazine, we suddenly thought that it would be nice instead of boring and annoying recommendations to everyone where, with whom, in what and how much to celebrate the New Year, how not to offend the New Year's Rat and what, instead of the next perfume, to give in honor of the best a day a year to your beloved (although don’t worry, and we still write about this), advise our readers how to usefully spend such long-awaited cool winter months in the Emirates. After all, the weather is whispering ... It calls to the street, away from the air conditioners that are always working, driving dust and bacteria back and forth. Away from the sofas, tightly sucking their owners into the bowels of their plush bodies. Running from TVs about how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

My friends, go ahead! For a real healthy lifestyle! On the bright green lawns of golf courses and in equestrian clubs! On boat trips and deep sea fishing! Paintball with the whole family! Or, finally, just for a walk in the park or a dinner cruise along the Dubai Creek. Breathe in fresh and cool air, enjoy life and learn what you have never done before. New Year is the time for new beginnings. Take a couple of golf lessons. Checked - addictive! Try yourself as a rider. Carries no less. Catch the first huge king mackerel in your life or help the “blue” team win all the trophies of the “green” people with guns firing paint. At worst, head out to explore the world at the World Village Festival or at your next shopping marathon, entailing with your discounts and promotions dedicated to the next Dubai Trade Festival ...

Not inspired? Then start dancing! “All God's children love to dance,” says Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, thus calling her next book, following the bestselling book “Dance, dance, dance.” We are God's children, and therefore we cannot but love dancing. Salsa, tango, samba ... Choose what you like. Fortunately, there are a lot of dance floors and dance schools and classes in the Emirates. Feeling the rhythm of the dance, becoming akin to it, you can hear the pulse of the city. Your city. Or simply, abandon the hustle and bustle by glancing at one of the Spa centers to restore strength spent during the year and holidays.

It’s good how it turns out to be able to read, play golf, ride a horse, dance salsa ... Yes, you never know what else you want to be able to do professionally, well, or almost professionally. Happy New Year to you, friends! With new skills! It's never too early to learn ... And it's not too late at all. It's about time. Good luck!

Sincerely yours,
Irina Ivanova
Chief Editor

Watch the video: Simple Hack to Read FASTER with BETTER Comprehension (July 2024).